
University Teaching Experience at UCLA

Responsibilities in my role as a graduate departmental teaching assistant include providing lectures and tutorials in discussion sections, holding office hours and review sessions, grading, proctoring exams, and providing one-on-one support to students. The classes I have taught include:

Research Mentorship

List of student research mentees (co-advised with faculty or contributed significant research mentorship/advising incl. weekly meetings, code support, co-authorship on papers, etc.)

  • Lauren Harvey (Undergrad @ UCLA)

    Summer/Fall 2023 and Winter 2024. Project: "Dynamical evolution of star clusters with dark matter halo profiles in REBOUND."

  • Avi Chen (Grad @ Rutgers)

    Spring 2023. Project: "Turbulence statistics to understand star formation in supersonically induced structures in the early universe"

For non-research career mentorship experience, see outreach mentorship.

UCLA Astronomy Introductory Coding Workshop

Founder and instructor of UCLA's winter workshop covering foundational astronomy coding skills for undergraduates. See outreach.

Undergraduate Teaching Experience at Carleton College

As an upper-division student in the Carleton Physics Department, I worked as a lab assistant, problem solving facilitator, and grader for a variety of courses. In these roles, I helped students set up and run laboratory experiments, facilitated problem solving at homework support hours, and graded coursework. I was an assistant for the following classes:

  • PHYS 144: Astrophysical Systems: Mechanics and Relativity and Lab (Lab Assistant, Winter 2019)
  • PHYS 226: Atomic and Nuclear Physics (Lab Assistant, Problem Solving Facilitator Fall 2019, Fall 2020)
  • PHYS 143: Physical Systems: Mechanics and Relativity and Lab (Lab Assistant, Problem Solving Facilitator, Winter 2020)
  • PHYS 231: Analytical and Computational Mechanics (Problem Solving Facilitator, Winter 2020, Winter 2021)
  • PHYS 151: Introduction to Physics: Relativity and Particles and Lab (Lab Assistant, Spring 2020)
  • ASTR 113: Observational and Laboratory Astronomy (Lab Assistant, Fall 2020, Spring 2021)
  • ASTR 110: Introduction to Astronomy (Grader, Problem Solving Facilitator, and Lab Assistant, Winter 2021)

Carleton College Physics and Astronomy Course Descriptions

M31 - The Andromeda Galaxy
The Moon

Images taken with lab students during Carleton's observational astronomy classes. These were captured with SBIG STT-8300M CCD cameras using the 8-inch Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain LX200 telescopes at Goodsell Observatory. Left: M31 (Andromeda Galaxy) by Pinchen Fan and Mehdi Shahid. Middle: the moon by Claire Williams and Sarah Bodansky. Right: M27 (Dumbbell Nebula) by Dylan Willick.