SIGOs and the Supersonic Project

The Stream Velocity and Structure Formation

The ΛCDM cosmological model posits that our universe consists of ordinary baryonic matter, cold dark matter, and dark energy–the cosmological constant "Λ". In the early universe (prior to Recombination) baryonic matter was strongly coupled to radiation, forming a hot, homogeneous plasma. Tiny overdensities in both the baryonic matter and the dark matter were seeded during the inflation of the universe, but the radiation prevented growth of baryonic overdensities. Because there was no interaction with photons, the dark matter's overdensities were able to grow, as dark matter particles simply followed their spacetime geodesics, and were attracted to the overdensities gravitationally. In this manner, by the time of Recombination, the dark matter overdensities had grown five orders of magnitude larger than the baryonic overdensities.

During Recombination, the universe became cool enough for protons to combine with electrons and form neutral hydrogen. This decoupling of the baryons from radiation allowed the baryons to begin to fall into gravitational wells, which existed because of the large overdensities in dark matter as well. In the standard picture of structure formation, the baryons simply fell into the dark matter potential wells and thus collapsed in the same place as the dark matter. This resulted in the formation of structures such as galaxies seen today, which have a baryonic component and a smaller baryonic component in the center (roughly 1/5 the mass).

This picture is complicated by the inclusion of the relative velocity between baryons and dark matter. Traditionally, the growth of structure in the epoch after Recombination was treated with linear perturbation theory, and the relative velocity between the components was neglected as a second order term. However, Naoz & Narayan (2014) showed that with a magnitude of over five times the speed of sound in the baryonic plasma, the relative velocity is non-negligable, and has important implications in structure formation.

Figure (Right): Cartoon representation of an introduced phase separation between baryonic and dark matter overdensities in the time before non-linearity and its time evolution. The phase separation corresponds to a physical separation between the center of masses of the baryonic and dark matter components.

Supersonically Induced Gas Objects (SIGOs)

Figure (Right): Simulated density plot showing a SIGO and its surrounding environment by Chiou et al (2021).

One effect of a highly supersonic stream velocity is the introduction of a phase shift between dark-matter and baryonic density oscillations. Naoz & Narayan (2014) showed that the phase shift translates to a physical separation between baryonic overdensities and their parent dark matter halos (see Figure above). For a range of masses, this causes the baryonic matter to form collapsed objects outside the virial radius of the nearest dark matter halo. These objects, dubbed Supersonically-Induced Gas Objects (SIGOs) could survive to the present day as bound objects deficient in dark matter.

Naoz and Narayan (2014) suggested that these gas-dominated objects could be the progenitors of globular clusters, objects known to be both very old and highly deficient in dark matter compared to other local structures. Nearly a decade of research by Smadar Naoz and her students since this was first pointed out has explored the connection between SIGOs and globular clusters. For example, Chiou et al(2019) demonstrated that the predicted present-day, local, absolute visual magnitude of SIGOs corresponds to that of observed globular clusters in the Local Group. Recently, Lake et al (2021) found that the predicted number density of SIGOs agrees with the observed local density of globular clusters.

Figure (Left): Speculated present-day, local, absolute visual magnitude as a function of characteristic scale of SIGOs and DM/G (see the text for details). Over-plotted are object classes in the Local Group from McConnachie (2012). Figure from Chiou et al (2019).

The Supersonic Project

The Supersonic Project is a collaboration devoted to studying the early-universe structures formed in the presence of the stream velocity. Its members include former and current UCLA astronomy students Yeou Chiou and William Lake, my advisor Smadar Naoz, Federico Marinacci at the University of Bologna, Mark Vogelsburger at MIT, and Blakesley Burkhart at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and The Flatiron Institute Center for Computational Astrophysics Simons Foundation.

Check out the Supersonic Project Website!

Publications by the Supersonic Project