2018-2019 Academic Year
Physics 180F - Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory
Advanced undergraduate laboratory in elementary
particle physics.
Physics 1CH - Physics for Scientists and Engineers (Honors)
Electrodynamics, Optics and Special Relativity.
Upgrade Physics 180F Laboratory, Phase 1
2017-2018 Academic Year
Physics 5A - Mechanics and Energy
Physics for Life Science Majors (new Physics series).
Physics 180F - Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory
Advanced undergraduate laboratory in elementary
particle physics.
Physics 1CH - Physics for Scientists and Engineers (Honors)
Electrodynamics, Optics and Special Relativity.
2016-2017 Academic Year
Sabbatical (University of Tokyo)
Physics 1CH - Physics for Scientists and Engineers (Honors)
Electrodynamics, Optics and Special Relativity.
Physics 180F - Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory
Advanced undergraduate laboratory in elementary
particle physics.
2015-2016 Academic Year
Physics 1CH - Physics for Scientists and Engineers (Honors)
Electrodynamics, Optics and Special Relativity.
Physics 180F - Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory
Advanced undergraduate laboratory in elementary
particle physics.
2014-2015 Academic Year
Physics 17 - Elements of Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics
Modern physics and statistical mechanics.
Physics 180F - Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory
Advanced undergraduate laboratory in elementary
particle physics.
2013-2014 Academic Year
Physics 180F - Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory
Advanced undergraduate laboratory in elementary
particle physics.
Astronomy 282 - High-Energy Astrophysics
Graduate course in high-energy astrophysics.
Physics 6C - Light, Fluids, Thermodynamics, and Modern Physics
Physics for life sciences majors: Light, fluid mechanics, thermal and modern physics.
2012-2013 Academic Year
Physics 180F - Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory
Advanced undergraduate laboratory in elementary
particle physics.
Physics 126 - Elementary Particle Physics
Introduction to particle physics at the undergraduate level.
2011-2012 Academic Year
Physics 6B - Waves, Electricity and Magnetism
Physics for life sciences majors: waves, electricity and magnetism.
Physics 105A - Analytic Mechanics
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics.
Physics 180F - Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory
Advanced undergraduate laboratory in elementary
particle physics.
2010-2011 Academic Year
Sabbatical (Columbia University, Ecole Polytechnique)
2009-2010 Academic Year
Physics 17 - Elements of Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics
Modern physics and statistical mechanics.
Physics 180F - Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory
Advanced undergraduate laboratory in elementary
particle physics.
2008-2009 Academic Year
Physics 6C - Light, Fluids, Thermodynamics, and Modern Physics
Physics for life sciences majors: light, waves,
fluids, thermodynamics and modern physics.
Physics 180F - Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory
Advanced undergraduate laboratory in elementary
particle physics.
Physics 105A - Analytic Mechanics
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics.
2007-2008 Academic Year
Physics 180F - Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory
Advanced undergraduate laboratory in elementary
particle physics.
Physics 105A - Analytic Mechanics
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics.
2006-2007 Academic Year
Physics 6A - Mechanics
Physics for life science majors: classical mechanics.
Physics 17 - Elements of Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics
Modern physics and statistical
2005-2006 Academic Year
Physics 6A - Mechanics (2 classes)
Physics for life science majors: classical mechanics.
Physics 17 - Elements of Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics
Modern physics and statistical
2004-2005 Academic Year
Sabbatical (University of Michigan)
Physics 6C - Light, fluids, thermodynamics, and modern physics
Physics for life sciences majors: light, waves,
fluids, thermodynamics and modern physics.
2003-2004 Academic Year
Astronomy 3 - Nature of the Universe
Introduction to astronomy for non-science majors.
Physics 180F - Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory
Advanced undergraduate laboratory in elementary
particle physics.
Physics 6C - Light, fluids, thermodynamics, and modern physics
Physics for life science majors: light, waves,
fluids, thermodynamics and modern physics.
2002-2003 Academic Year
Astronomy 3 - Nature of the Universe
Introduction to astronomy for non-science majors.
Physics 269B (Graduate Seminar)
Active Galactic Nuclei - Current understanding
and research.
Physics 1BH - Introductory Physics (Honors)
Physics for scientists and engineers: oscillations,
waves, electricity & magnetism.
2001-2002 Academic Year
Astronomy 3 - Nature of the Universe
Introduction to astronomy for non-science majors.
Physics 1BH - Introductory Physics (Honors)
Physics for scientists and engineers: oscillations,
waves, electricity & magnetism.

University of Chicago (1991-2000)
Mechanics for non-science majors (aka "Physics
for Poets").
Electricity and Magnetism for biological science
Mechanics for physics majors.
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics.
Quantum Mechanics.
Particle and Nuclear Physics.
Graduate Experimental Laboratory.