Theoretical Astrophysics in Southern California
The seventh annual TASC (Theoretical Astrophysics in Southern California) meeting will be held on November 1, 2007, on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles. The purpose of this annual meeting is to bring together the theoretical astrophysics community in the Southern California region. The meeting is designed to be an informal venue in which people can get to know one another and become familiar with the broad range of research conducted in our geographic area. Postdocs and graduate students are especially encouraged to attend. This is an open meeting and there will be no registration fee. There will be no plenary talks. Instead, all participants, and especially postdocs and graduate students, are invited to contribute talks on their current research. We will try to allot equal time to everyone who requests to speak. The duration of each talk will be about 10 minutes. As in previous TASC meetings, we hope to have broad participation from the Southern California astrophysics theory community. All astrophysics theorists are invited---particularly postdocs and graduate students. As we'd like to keep the meeting small, we are specifically not inviting observers and experimenters.
The meeting will follow an informal format. There will be no plenary talks. Instead, all participants, especially postdocs and graduate students, are invited to contribute talks on their current research. Unless we are overwhelmed with speakers, we will allot equal time to everyone who requests to speak, and we will not have parallel sessions. We anticipate the duration of each talk to be about 10 minutes, and expect the meeting to run from about 9am-5pm. There will be no printed proceedings.
There will be no registration fee, and the organizers are unable to provide financial support to participants. However, we do ask attendees to register to allow us to estimate logistical needs and those who wish to give a talk must register and indicate their desire to speak. To do so, send an email to "hansen" at the domain "". Let us know your name, institutional affiliation, and the title of your talk (if you intend to give one). Also let us know if you are a student, and hence eligible for the student prize. The registration deadline is October 19. A list of current registrants can be found here The current schedule can be found here Directions and location details will be sent out to registered participants at a later date.