How to do your own predictions

The satellite predictions posted here are calculated using a FORTRAN program and subroutines contained in, an InfoZip [PK Zip compatible] compressed archive. It will run on a Sun work station, and the small changes necessary to run under VMS are given in README.

The contents of the archive are:

mira:wright.53> unzip -v code
 Length  Method   Size  Ratio   Date    Time   CRC-32     Name ("^" ==> case
 ------  ------   ----  -----   ----    ----   ------     ---- conversion)
   4765  Deflate   2124  55%  06-28-96  11:47  89087249   README
  23061  Deflate   9393  59%  06-28-96  08:33  64a41528   plotrack.f
  49554  Deflate  13677  72%  06-24-96  08:44  7e1b0fb9   satsubs.f
  27918  Deflate   9593  66%  06-28-96  08:37  8ad2e19c   subs.f
    790  Deflate    326  59%  06-28-96  11:34  edad7fcc
    959  Deflate    414  57%  06-28-96  08:24  48559d03   plotrack.csh
    187  Deflate    136  27%  06-24-96  15:42  7bd5fcda   sats.head
    173  Deflate    134  23%  06-24-96  15:42  35fdb4eb   sats.tail
    700  Deflate    356  49%  06-24-96  15:02  d6499862
 ------          ------  ---                              -------
 108107           36153  67%                              9
These files can also be found in code.tar.gz.

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