Quinn M. Konopacky


Email: quinn@astro.ucla.edu

Home: 310-826-7611

Cell: 408-621-1110


















Research Experience:


















Teaching/Tutoring Experience:



























Professional/Honorary Society Memberships:

Ph.D, Astronomy and Astrophysics

University of California, Los Angeles

M.S., Astronomy and Astrophysics

University of California, Los Angeles

B.S., Astrophysics, Summa Cum Laude and Highest Departmental Honors University of California, Los Angeles

High School, Aloha, Oregon, Valedictorian, Scores of 5 out of 5 on all AP tests

Graduate Research Assistant     

Dr. Andrea Ghez, UCLA

Multiplicity and Masses of Pre-Main Sequence Stars

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Dr. Bruce Macintosh, LLNL

Adaptive Optics Searches for Brown Dwarf and Planetary Companions to Nearby Young Stars

Undergraduate Research Assistant       

Dr. Matthew Malkan, UCLA

Search for Lyman Continuum Emission from Galaxies at Redshift ~1

UCLA Teaching Assistant Astronomy 3 - Introduction to Astronomy

Received Department of Physics and Astronomy Award for Outstanding Teaching 2004

Tutor for Junior High Student

Subjects – Algebra, Physics, and Biology

TA Coordinator

UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy

UCLA Reader

Physics 131 - Mathematical Methods for Physics

Astronomy 3 - Introduction to Astronomy  

Astronomy 81 - Astrophysics 1: Stars and Nebulae

UCLA Planetarium

Volunteer Shows for the Public

Classroom Volunteer

ÒPlanet PageantÓ MC and Developer for 1st and 2nd graders

Center for Adaptive Optics

American Astronomical Society  

Phi Beta Kappa

Golden Key Honor Society National Society of Collegiate Scholars     

In Progress




June, 2005




June, 2003





June, 1999















Sep, 2001-Jun, 2002






Sep, 2003-Present







Nov, 2004-Present




Sep, 2005–Jun, 2006




Spring 2002


Sep 2002-Jun 2003


Winter 2003















Relevant Course Work:

* Calculus, Single and Multivariable

* Linear Algebra and Infinite Series

* Mathematical Methods for Physics

* Physics Courses on Analytic Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Quantum

    Mechanics, Radiation, and Fluids

* Astronomy Courses on Stellar Interiors and Atmospheres, Galaxies, and Cosmology

* Microbiology and AP Biology

* Chemistry


Dr. Andrea Ghez, UCLA, 310-206-0420

Dr. Bruce Macintosh, LLNL, 925-423-8129

Ann McLennan, 310-387-1916