Keck K-Band Images of the GRB980329

    This is a fully processed K-band image of the region around the gamma ray burst GRB 980329. This image is a 90 minute exposure with the Keck 10 meter telescope on 02 April (UT 7:00). The object labeled GRB 980329 Host Galaxy, is within 0.5 arcseconds of the radio coordinates of the radio transient announced by Taylor et al. in GCN Note 40. It is also coincident with the R band counterpart announced by Djorgovski et al. in GCN Note 41.
    An additional 90 minutes of data were obtained on 03 April (UT) with only a small variation seen in the object's intensity. The final K band magnitudes from the two nights are: 20.7+-0.2 mag on 02Apr98; and 20.9+-0.2 mag on 03Apr98. Note that seeing conditions were substantially worse on the second night, and much of the variation in magnitude could be due to aperture corrections. Later observations, however, have shown that the source has completely faded below the best detection limits (~23 mag). No host galaxy has yet been detected.
    During the first 20 minutes of the 02Apr98 exposures, the seeing was between 0.5 and 0.6 arcseconds, and the host object is unresolved at this resolution.

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Last Modified 9/9/97